Kayak on a Misty Day
©2021 Roland Taylor, A serene day as smoke-filled skies defuse the sunlight as a kayaker slips through the waters of the Missouri river in Montana.
©2020 Roland Taylor, A turbulent Spring storm forms over the plains near Rainbow dam, Great Falls, Montana.
Lost Lake
©2020 Roland Taylor, The horizon is aglow as an evening storm rolls in over the Grossman ranch over Lost Lake, Montana.
©2020 Roland Taylor, A full moon tucked up in a branch of a scraggly tree at Little Sandy on the White Cliffs of the Missouri, Montana.
Vintage Canoe
©2020 Roland Taylor, A vintage canoe at sunset on the shore of the Slaughter River camp, White Cliffs of the Missouri river, Montana.
Dock at Lake McDonald
©2020 Roland Taylor, A late afternoon storm settles out at the end of the day over Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park, Montana.
Bowman at Sunrise
©2020 Roland Taylor, The day begins with a bright red sky over Bowman lake in Glacier National Park, Montana.
©2020 Roland Taylor, A spectacular sunset reflecting in the rails by the elevators in Moccasin, eastern Montana.
Fire on the Water
©2020 Roland Taylor, A canoe and a kayak under a fiery sunset at Hole in the Wall on the White Cliffs of the Missouri river in Montana.